
The Importance Of Clearing Your Writing Space For Inspiration And Motivation

When clearing your writing space for inspiration and motivation, there are many elements that come into play. However, some of the most basic elements come down to the environment surrounding your writing area.

If anything surrounding your writing are causes discomfort or distraction, your creative mind can take a walk and leave you wondering what happened to your great writing intentions for the day.

Therefore, here are a few things to consider when clearing your writing space and prepping it for a writing session.

What You See

I am a visual person. When I sit down to write or do anything creative, I can get distracted if I see anything out of place. Likewise, if there are piles of laundry, paperwork, or dishes needing my attention, my inspiration and motivation take a big hit.

So, number one when it comes to clearing your writing space for inspiration and motivation is to straighten up. Take care of the piles of paperwork by doing some filing or throwing things out. If there is anything within view of your writing area that is calling for attention, give it your attention ASAP.

Also, make sure that there are things around your writing area that create an inspirational atmosphere. Framed pictures of loved ones and friends can create a cozy feeling of comfort and remind you of why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Posting inspirational quotes and pictures of places you love can also help make your writing area perfect. As well as bringing in some plants or flowers to pretty up your space. Make sure the lighting in your writing area not only helps you see well but also creates just the right feeling for you. I have a nice salt lamp on my desk that is always lit. It not only helps to keep the air clean but also casts a nice orange glow that relaxes me.

What You Smell

In addition to be very visual, I am also very sensitive to smells. Certain smells inspire me like the scent of sandalwood, peppermint, vanilla, coffee and many others. I tend to like having a candle or two in my writing space and light them up when I need a little extra feeling of comfort.

For you maybe it’s the smell of a freshly cleaned home, cookies baking in the oven, or baby powder. By the way, they have candles for those scents too. Whatever scents that give you inspiration, motivation, and comfort, use them in your writing space liberally.

What You Hear

This one can be either a problem or a solution depending on the situation. To start with, any noise that distracts you, whether or not it’s pleasant or not, is a problem. Everyone has a different threshold when it comes to sound. Many writers need it perfectly silent in order to hone their writing craft. Others work best with background noise.

I find, for myself, I tend to like to write in silence. Hearing people speak or listening to music with lyrics can distract me too much and interfere with my writing.

On the occasion when I feel I want some kind of background sound, it’s usually some classical or mood music like Buddha Groove. These do not have lyrics but the rhythm of the music sometimes can help move my writing along.

On the other hand, if you are being distracted from noises in your writing area, you need to find some solutions that work for you. Some writers who have a budget that supports it, might build a writing office on their property separate from their house. They might also decide to install sound insulation in the walls.

If your budget doesn’t allow for such extravagancies investing in a good pair of sound isolating headphones or a sound machine can be helpful. You need to find what works for you and make it a part of your writing space.

What You Touch

Lastly, your comfort, or lack there of, can have the ability to inspire and motivate or distract and frustrate you. Your writing area must be comfortable in every way from the chair you sit in to the temperature in the room.

Make sure your desk and chair are comfortable. They should allow you to sit and write for long hours without any kind of distress.

Also, make sure the temperature in your writing area is comfortable for you. It can be really hard to concentrate when you’re shivering or overheated.

Additional ways to make your writing area comfortable is to have a few pillows and soft throw blankets. These will provide not only warmth should you get cold but also some comforting textures to calm you.

Seek Your Inspiration and Motivation

Find what comforts, motivates, and inspires you and make them a part of your writing sanctuary. Every author is different and you need to find what works for you.

Then once you get your writing space cozy and just how you like it, I have one more piece of advice. Sit down and write!


Resolutions Every Aspiring Author Must Make Now!

Every New Year means setting your resolutions, goals, or intentions for the year ahead. If you’re an aspiring author who wants to finally get your book out there to the world, then it’s even more important that you get crystal clear on what that process means. Without a clear vision of what you want to achieve, the road to writing success will be bumpy and frustrating.

So, here are my top resolution suggestions that will set up up for writing success in the New Year.

Set Goals to Become an Aspiring Author

An intention without a plan is just a dream and dreams don’t happen without solid goals. Take some time to really get clear about what you want to accomplish this year as far as becoming an aspiring author concerned. Be specific and as detailed as possible about what has to get done to advance your identity as an author.

In addition to getting clear about what you want to accomplish this year, try writing out specifics about how you intend to achieve those goals. Are you going to research your book more? Finally get that book outline completed? Connect with some published authors and ask them for some tips and advice? Start a blog? Buy new equipment like a new laptop or voice recorder to record your notes and inspirations?

Lastly, get specific about when these things are going to happen. Go down your list of goals and put deadlines on them. Generally, once there’s a sense of urgency behind a task, it pushes you to get it done.

Create A Perfect Writing Environment

Next, you need to make sure you have an environment that is conducive to writing. Every aspiring author needs to be a place that inspires them. It needs to have limited or no distractions as well as be a place that’s a sanctuary of sorts.

Some ways to create this perfect writing environment are to make sure the space is reserved for only writing activities. Doing this literally trains your brain that when you go there, you write. It will help you to switch on the creativity and inspiration quickly and efficiently.

So, what do you have in this environment that makes it perfect? Well, of course, you have all your writing equipment like laptop or computer (a typewriter if that’s the way you roll), printers, paper, etcetera.

However, you also need to make it a nurturing place. Some things I use to make my writing place comfortable and nurturing are my favorite scented candles, a salt lamp to help clean the air and add ambiance, photos of loved ones and pictures of my favorite places like beach scenes and scenes of places I’ve travelled.

Schedule Writing Time

This one goes hand-in-hand with setting goals. An intention that’s not scheduled is just a wish. You need to schedule writing time and stick to it just as you would any other important appointment you would make.

Generally, I schedule my time by adding it to my calendar on my phone as well as physically writing it in my yearly agenda book. I am a very visual person and the act of not only writing something by hand in my book but also being able to physically see it staring me in the face daily, helps to make it real to me. I also like to mix modern technology with old school agenda calendar books. That’s how I roll.

Some good scheduling tools that I use are Google CalendarOneCalendar, and I really love Fringe’s 17-month Agenda books.

Eliminate Distractions

This one is extremely important especially when you’re an aspiring author. It is rare that you will be able to get quality writing done if you are being constantly interrupted. Make sure when scheduling your writing time, you pick a time when distractions from other people will be at a minimum.

Also, turn all your electronics to their silent or do not disturb settings during your writing time. I would guess that 99% of the texts, emails, and phone calls we all receive are not urgent in nature. You can answer them once your scheduled writing time is over. The same goes for checking your social media pages. They can wait until you’ve accomplished your daily writing goals.

Stop Procrastinating

Last, but certainly not least, stop procrastinating! I’m as guilty of this as anyone else and I can tell you that putting off your writing to-do list will hurt you and your writing career. It is far better to treat your writing as you would any other job you may have especially if your ultimate goal is to be an accomplished author.


The Need For Civility On Social Media

It’s not news to most people that we have a civility problem in the United States. However, nowhere is the immense size of the problem more apparent than on social media. Regardless of demographics, 93% of Americans agree that there is a civility problem in our country. Also, 63% of Americans feel that social media has been a major contributing factor to that problem. (Source) Clearly, there is a need for civility on social media.

That there is a need for civility on social media is probably not a surprise to any of us. All you have to do is open one of your social media feeds. There you will find any number of posts with people stating their opinions. In the comments I can guarantee you will find at least one comment from someone objecting to the opinion in a not so nice way.

The Need For Civility On Social Media: Why Is It Happening?

There are many reasons why this type of behavior is happening in the world, especially in social media.


First off, there’s the sanctity of anonymity that social media gives us. Although in most cases your name and picture are attached to your comments and posts, there is still a feeling of being unknown and removed from everyone. That feeling of isolation gives many people the courage to be bolder than they would ever be in person.

This heightened, false feeling of security makes people behave in ways that they would never dream of doing in person. I also want to point out that anything you say, do, or post on social media never goes away! Make sure that your interactions are things to be proud of. You don’t want to deal with a bad reputation following you forever. Also, know that there have been instances of real life tragedies that have started online. Be very careful how you contribute to the online environment.

The need for certainty.

Second, with all that’s going on in the world currently, people are feeling very uncertain and out of control. Generally speaking, when people feel less than confident that they can control what’s happening around them, they tend to react in mostly negative ways. One of the most common reactions when feeling fearful or uncertain is the need to get angry and/or attack others.

You see, when humans feel out of control and cannot fulfill their need to be certain, they will find any way they can to fulfill that need. They can meet that need in positive, neutral, and negative ways.

However, most people who are not aware of the Six Human Needs, tend to fulfill their needs in negative ways and usually that’s done by tearing others down, arguing, and making them wrong. Doing this to others makes them feel powerful, certain, and in control again. It also satisfies their needs for connection and significance as well. When an action satisfies three or more of the Six Human Needs, the person will become addicted to the action and seek out more opportunities to do the same.

What Can We Do About It?

First, realize that not everyone shares your point of view and that’s okay.

The world is full of diverse opinions, people, cultures, religions, and ideas. It’s what makes life beautiful and rich. The world would be boring and unexciting if everyone shared your likes, dislikes, and opinions. Be grateful and excited that there is so much diversity in the world and treat that diversity with respect and admiration.

Second, regardless of your opinions and whether you feel you are right or wrong, be a decent human being.

The need for civility on social media requires that you treat people how you would like to be treated. Lead by example. It really is possible to disagree with someone and still act respectfully and with human decency. When you let someone’s horrible treatment of you affect how you treat others in a negative way, you become part of the problem.

Learn to always keep how you act and react on social media in alignment with who you are at your core. Never disrespect your good name and reputation fighting with someone on social media (or elsewhere for that matter). It’s not worth it. Remember one comment or action on social media can truly follow you for the rest of your life. Make sure it’s something that really reflects who you are and that will make you feel proud of who you are.

Third, listen and learn

Relish the differences in opinions. Really listen to what the other person is saying and try to learn from it. You might not agree totally with what they are saying but generally if you allow yourself to really listen, you might just find one grain of insight that you didn’t have before.

Even if you listen and can find no redeeming tidbits of information in what that person is saying, think if there is a lesson there for you. Is the way the person is behaving a reminder to you of how not to treat people? If what the person is saying so devoid of real facts, could it be a reminder to you to always research subjects before having an opinion on them? Is the person clearly just having a bad day? If so, can that be a reminder for you to take care of yourself and have more patience with others? There is always something you can learn if you allow yourself to be open and really look for insights.

Fourth, heed Bambi’s mother’s advice, if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all.

The whole world is not going to crumble if you don’t state your opinion. You’re not the only one with that opinion and if you read the comments, which I generally advise against, I guarantee you’ll see your same opinion stated repeatedly but others.

Perhaps ask yourself, “Is stating my opinion really going to matter? Will it change this person’s mind? Will it contribute in a positive way?” If the answers to these questions are clearly “No”, then move on. Don’t waste your time and energy. There are plenty more productive things you could be doing that will actually help make the world a better place.

Fifth, it’s okay to take a break from social media for awhile.

Sometimes the best thing to do is take a deep breath, shut down the electronics, and walk away. Trust me. Everything will still be there when you get back.

As a matter of fact, it is healthy to take vacations from social media that last a few days to a few months. Even if you only take a couple of hours away from social media platforms, the positive health implications are enormous. Use the away time to take a walk outside and clear your head, finish a project, spend time with your family, watch a funny movie, or learn another language. Take the time to have real experiences that enhance your life.

In Conclusion

The need for civility in social media is one that is growing exponentially worldwide and unlike many other things going on right now, you have the ability to be part of the solution.

Although sometimes you might feel yourself getting pulled in by the drama and negativity that is running rampant on social media, you don’t have to join in. You can follow the words of Mahatma Gandhi and “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

All societal changes in the world have started with one human being who wanted to make a difference. Be that person and be an example of how you would love to be treated. If you do that consistently, you will find that more and more people who share your vision are drawn to you. Those little flickers of positive light in the dark night of negativity will eventually light up the world and it will be because you had the courage to start the movement.


Why All Musicians Need A Website

There are many reasons why every musician needs a website. The purpose of this article is to make these reasons clear. If you’re like most career musicians, you’ve lived, breathed, studied, and practiced music longer than you can remember. You’ve put in hours of work to get where you are today. You thrive to be even more accomplished in your profession. I get it. Totally. I’ve been there and know what it takes to be a good musician, no less a great one.

However, many times I find that the most accomplished musicians don’t prioritize creating a professional website to promote their careers. Why? Well, I’ve asked several classical musicians over the years and they all have replied one of three ways. “I don’t need a website.” “I don’t have time to create a website.” “I don’t know where to begin.”

There are endless reasons why every musician needs a website but let me just address the three mentioned above.

Why Every Musician Needs A Website Excuse #1: “I Don’t Need A Website.”

This is the reason that astounds me the most. Why would someone who has spent their whole life learning their trade not want to promote it. Why would they think they don’t need a website to highlight their talents?

Therefore, let’s get this straight right now. If you’re a career musician and plan to make a living out of this profession, you MUST have a website! Without a you will have to work harder than any of your peers to get noticed and make a living! Is that what you want? I didn’t think so.

Professional websites for musicians offer a way to show people who you are and what you do. It’s hard enough trying to establish yourself as an accomplished professional musician. Why make it hard to find information about you too? This is why every musician needs a website. It’s a vital element to a successful career.

Why Every Musician Needs A Website Excuse #2: “I Don’t Have The Time.”

Trust me. I know what it takes to be a professional musician. I know it doesn’t happen without lots of practice, studying, performances, and more. So, finding the time to create website is probably the last thing you want to concern yourself with. However, it is a vital element in the advancement of your professional musical career.

In fact, it is possible to put together a quick, professional website with the bare minimum basics over a weekend. Having a web presence with your basic information and how to get in touch with you is a great start.

Realistically, the amount of time needed to put together a simple, professional musician website is small. However, the amount of time it can save you as performance opportunities come to you via your website is invaluable. After that, once your website is built, keeping the important information updated will only take a few minutes from time to time.

Why Every Musician Needs A Website Excuse #3: “I Don’t Know Where To Begin.”

You are not alone. If you’ve never created a website, knowing where to begin can be daunting. However, let me reassure you that creating a simple professional musician website doesn’t have to be difficult.

There are many website creation platforms out there that are pretty much “plug and play”. In addition, many of them are very low-cost or free as well. Most website creation sites make it easy to create professional-looking sites. They also have plenty of website themes and templates to choose from as well.

If you still feel that creating your website yourself is not your cup of tea, hiring someone is relatively easy. A little word of warning though. If you’re looking for a simple but effective website, make sure your budget known upfront when hiring someone. Professional website developers can be pretty expensive. So, you need to be really clear about what you want and how much you can pay.

Where To Get Help

There are many free or low-cost website builders online where you can build your own website. Sites like SquareSpaceWixWeebly, and more will let you get a quick and simple site up in no time.

However, if you would like to create a website that can easily grow and improve, my personal favorite is WordPress. WordPress has been helping people build professional-looking websites for a long time. This experience has allowed them to make more tools available to their clients. These tools can help with just about anything you are looking to do for your website. I highly recommend going this route. However, creating even the simplest of websites is better than having no web presence at all.

Now, I personally use WordPress for myself and for my clients but the choice is yours. I am not an affiliate of any of these website building platforms so I don’t benefit one way or another. It is my wish to encourage every professional musician out there to create a website and get seen and heard!

So, now you know how to overcome the top three excuses for not having a professional musicians website. The decision is up to you. Take immediate action and start building your professional website today. Don’t wait another day. Create your professional musicians website and let it help to promote you and your music. The world needs you and your artistry! Get out there and be heard!

I Can Help!

If you would like me to create a professional musician’s website for you, I would love to be of service. Just contact me via the Contact Us page on this site.  I will be happy to chat with you about what you need and how we can get you there. Pricing for website creation varies depending on your website project specifications. There is no charge for the initial consultation with me. During the consultation, we will discuss your website vision and how to achieve that vision for you.


15 Creative Ways To Building Your Email List And Grow Your Audience

Having an large email list is vital for any brand but how do you get one? The answer easier than you might think. There are hundreds of simple ways to build your email list. You just have to be creative and willing to try many different things. So, without further ado, here are 15 simple ways to build your email list.

1. Create A Freebie

One of the best and simplest ways to build an email list is to create a freebie. People love to receive free stuff. However, the key here is it has to be quality content.

Therefore, the quality of your content has to be outstanding so that it attracts your ideal clients. Creating a freebie that does not add value to people will turn people off and ultimately damage your brand’s reputation.

The purpose of creating a high quality freebie is to attract more people to your brand and leave them wanting more. Therefore, put as much effort and time into your freebies as you do your paid content.

Some great ideas for freebies are resource guides, e-books, webinars, video trainings, e-courses, email challenges, worksheets or workbooks, checklists, audio recordings, quizzes, templates, action steps planners, book giveaways, reports, and so much more. Be creative!

2. Start A Blog

Another effective and simple way to build your email list is to start a blog. Blogs are not only a great way to consistently share quality content but it’s also a great place for adding a call to action to join your email newsletter or to be alerted to new blog posts.

Make sure you have a simple, attractive, unobtrusive sign up form after every blog post. If your content is of consistent high quality and adds value to your readers, they will not want to miss upcoming content and they will sign up.

3. Host A Webinar

Webinars are another one of the 15 simple ways to build your email list. Although, hosting a webinar might not be the first thing a beginner would want to do, it is certainly a strategy that should be on your list as you get more experience.

Webinars are widely used my many coaches, consultants, teachers, online marketers, and all kinds of professionals. They are a great way to deliver quality content to current and potential new clients while collecting emails and building your list.

In addition, webinars are one of the best ways to show your ideal clients an experience of who you are, what you are about, and how it would be to work with you. It is also a great delivery platform for selling your products and services to them.

4. Have A Contest

Who doesn’t love a contest especially when the prize is something you really want and need? Again, if you create something of tremendous quality and value for your ideal clients, they will want it. If you give them the opportunity to enter a contest to win that item, they will happily give you their email address for the opportunity.

Therefore, your top priority is to come up with something that will help your ideal client achieve something or that will improve their lives in some way.

Some examples of outstanding contest prizes are a a scholarship to your online course, a copy of your book, a copy of another expert’s book that compliments your products or services, gift cards, free access to training you’re giving, and more.

5. Create A Quiz

People LOVE to take quizzes and assessments and because of that, it’s a great relationship builder as well as list builder.

Therefore, building an assessment quiz that guides your ideal clients towards an understanding or clarity on what they need to do or what their next steps are, they will happily give their email address for that advice.

6. Offer Discounts

Let’s face it, everyone loves a deal and your ideal clients are no different. Creating an discount or coupon that they can use in exchange for their email address is a great win-win solution.

Additionally, discounts have the ability to entice potential clients who might be sitting on the fence about your products or services.

7. Join Forums, Facebook and LinkedIn Groups

Another of the 15 simple ways to build your email list is to join forums as well as Facebook and LinkedIn groups related to your expertise. Then while you’re in these groups and forums you search for and answer questions related to the topic of your lead magnet.

This will not only build you up as an expert in your field but it will also guide people gently to your brand. There they will get quality content for free and gladly offer their email addresses in exchange.

8. Add A Sign Up Button On Your Facebook Page

Facebook pages allow you to add a button to the top of the page. One of those options is a “Sign Up” button. This allows you to link that button to any offer or lead magnet you wish.

For instructions on how to add a call-to-action button to your Facebook page, click here!

9. Install An Exit Popup

Another great way to collect email addresses from potential ideal clients is to install an exit popup. These exit popups should be located on every post and page on your website.

Exit popups are great at converting visitors to your website that are abandoning the page. There are many different widgets and add-ons that give you the ability to do this. Some are free and others have a minimal fee. For example, if you have a WordPress site you might try this free plugin here.

10. Add A Call To Action

Adding a call to action on your Facebook cover photo is an excellent way to encourage visitors to sign up with their email address. There are many ways to create these call to actions and you can rotate them from time to time as well.

You should also add these call to action headers to all of your social media bios as well as your podcast site, email signature and more. There should always be a link to your opt-in landing page to collect potential new client emails.

11. Promote A Book Giveaway

One of the most powerful ways to build your email list is to promote a physical book giveaway. Now, of course, you have to have written a book to giveaway.

Book giveaways usually involve giving away a print book to your ideal clients for free. However, they do pay the shipping fee, which usually comes close to covering the cost to print the book.

You ask potential clients to pay the shipping fee in order to make sure they are a qualified potential client. People will only pull out their credit card for things they are genuinely interested in. This opens the door for you to offer them an entry level offer to another product or service.

12. Offer Rewards To Subscribers Who Refer Friends To Sign Up

If you already have an email list and you just want to grow your list, offering rewards to your current subscribers is a great way to do that. Creating a special offer exclusively for subscribers who refer friends to sign up will have your list growing in no time.

However, the offer you create must be one that gives your current subscribers more value than non-subscribers. It should be something that they cannot get anywhere else and it should be something you know they want and/or need. This is where knowing your ideal clients is of enormous value to your brand.

13. Host A Free Challenge

Number thirteen on the list of 15 simple ways to build your email list is to host a free challenge. Challenges are extremely hot right now and are an amazing way to give your ideal clients valuable content while growing your list.

The idea of a challenge is to get a group of potential ideal clients together and get them into a private group that you run. Usually these challenges last 5 to 10 days, sometimes 30 days. In order to join, they must sign up with their email address.

During the challenge you will take these people through a series of actions. These actions lead them to achieve a specific task. In addition, the purpose of the challenge is to address your ideal clients’ biggest challenges or pain points and show them how to conquer them.

14. Use Your Contact Form

Number fourteen is amazingly simple but very often overlooked – use your contact form. Make sure that on your contact page of your website, there is a little check mark that people can check to be added to your email list.

When people are contacting you through your website, they are already showing interest in what you do. Making it easy for them to be added to your email list is just a no-brainer.

15. Put A Sign-Up Form On Your Website

And last, but certainly not least, in our 15 simple ways to build your email list is to add a sign up form on your website. This sign up form could be for a special offer, challenge, or simply to be added to your newsletter.

In Conclusion…

There are literally hundreds of ways to build your email list of ideal clients. These are just 15 of the simplest one from my perspective. Most of these can be put into action in a matter of minutes but the payoff has the potential to be outstanding.

Remember, make an offer to your ideal clients that adds value to their lives and/or addresses a common problem. Then show them how to conquer it. You are the expert in your field and they need what you have to offer.


Dealing With Trolls While Protecting Your Brand’s Reputation

What Are Trolls?

We all live in a social media world now. Unfortunately, dealing with Trolls on social media and beyond has become a necessary task for any brand. So, what are Trolls exactly? Trolls are people who constantly have a negative comment and start arguments.

In other words, Trolls are people who disagree with everything. You can show them the facts and they will still state it is wrong. A Troll’s main purpose is to stir things up. However, many times, they bravely live behind the anonymity that the online world grants them. This gives them the courage to say things they would never say to someone in person.

Above all, these people’s main intention is to start a fight online. Many introduce foul language and name calling to anyone that dares to disagree with them. In addition, a great majority of the time, these people are commenting using false profiles so they can’t be traced.

Trolls love to inflict pain, ridicule, and humiliate a targeted person or company. If not addressed, these online trouble makers can damage your brand and reputation. This makes dealing with trolls on social media and beyond in a professional way essential.

Dealing With Trolls’ On Social Media – How To Respond

So, how do you respond to their negative comments or reviews without adding more fuel to the fire? Honestly, it’s a balancing act of knowing when to react and when to leave it alone.

Trolls love to get you angry and emotional. Therefore, my first bit of important advice is not to react out of anger. I have seen many clients damage their great reputation by lashing out at something someone said online. That is what these trolls want you to do.

My advice to all my clients is to walk away. Get up from the computer and phone when triggered by a negative comment online. Go take a walk, get something to eat, or take a break. Wait until you’ve calmed down before doing anything in response. Once you’ve cooled down, there are three ways to respond.

One: Do Nothing!

Trolls are only looking to get a reaction. They really don’t care where it comes from. They thrive off of producing negative reactions in strangers in order to justify their own horrible behavior.

However, many times the best thing to do is ignore them completely. If you don’t feed into and respond to their negativity, they will get bored and move on. As a matter of fact, according to the Pew Research Center, 60% of respondents stated that they ignored online harassment.

Also important is to note that it isn’t always necessary to address every negative comment about your brand. One or two negative comments about your brand will not damage a great reputation.

Two: Respond Politely

If you feel that a negative comment or review warrants a response, it is best to respond politely. You should always maintain your composure. Remember that everything you say and do online can either improve or damage your brand’s reputation.

When responding to negative comments, stick to giving the facts. Do not resort to going down to the Troll’s level. Always use polite language and remain civil.

If the negative comments are in the form of a review or testimonial, inquire about the reason for the comments. Ask if there is anything that you can do to make the situation better. If possible, follow through on any followup request from the reviewer.

However, if the reviewer is set on giving your brand a bad review, it is best to state the facts. Then provide a possible solution and leave it at that. Doing this will show readers that you were civil and provided a solution to resolve the issue. This will keep your reputation in tack and show your willingness to do the right thing.

Three: Ban Them

Sometimes, however, Trolls attach onto a person or brand. They will continue to stir up drama without any real outcome in mind. Their only desire is getting people to respond to them. When this type of situation occurs, it is generally best to first try to make things right as stated above.

However, when this situation becomes apparent, delete the comments and ban the them from the platform or online community. When you continue to allow this type of activity, two things can happen. It can negatively change the atmosphere of your online community and it can damage your brand’s reputation.

How To Deal With Highly Offensive Trolls On Social Media and Beyond

There is a fourth way to respond. That is to remain calm and report person. This is the best way to respond to anyone who is inciting hatred or violence.

Any comments that lean towards displays of racism, religious or sexual orientation discrimination, or violence should never be tolerated. Any comments or acts of bullying should be forbidden and reported to the social media platform. If the comments turn into threats, contact your local law enforcement immediately.

It is always a good idea to make the rules of your online community clear and easily visible. This will make it known what will and will not be tolerated and reinforced.

Dealing with social media trolls is something that all of us will experience at one time or another. The way we deal with it will make all the difference to your brand’s online reputation. Remember it takes a long time to build a great reputation and only a moment to destroy it.


The Importance Of Testimonials And How To Get Them

Testimonials Matter

So, you keep hearing about the importance of collecting customer testimonials but you still don’t understand why they matter so much. Have no fear.

You see, it’s not enough to provide content and products to your clients. You also have to foster an outstanding customer experience through great service and quality. In other words, when clients have a great experience, it makes a loyal, raving fan out of them.

Moreover, when clients feel appreciated and taken care of, they ultimately tell everyone they know about it.

For instance, one of the best ways to collect your customers praises is through the use of testimonials.

Customer endorsements create social proof that your products and services are of high quality and worth the price. They also help to build your brand’s reputation. Because building your brand’s reputation goes a long way when it comes to finding new potential customers.

In addition to building your brand’s reputation, endorsements create a feeling of safety for others to try your products and services too. Nielsen research suggests that 70% of people will trust a customer endorsement that is posted online. They don’t even have to know the person.

Collecting Praise

Getting your clients’ endorsements don’t have to be a difficult thing to do. First of all, sometimes it’s as easy as just asking your clients to provide their input. If you’ve done your job well, most people will gladly prove you with a great one.

Secondly, check to see what your clients are saying about you on social media. Social media is a place where people go to socialize, rant, and recommend things. Without even trying, you could find words of praise about your services and products right in plain sight.

Thirdly, emails are another great source of kind words about your brand. Many times clients will send emails exclaiming how much your services and products mean to them. When you receive emails like this, you can pull quotes from them and use them. Just remember to ask your client’s permission first.

In addition, you can send an email to your clients asking them for a testimonial. If you’ve done your job and provided quality products and services, most people will be more than happy to give you a great endorsement.

These are only a few ways to collect testimonials. There are many other ways as well, such as creating a survey, checking the comments on your blog posts, and creating a testimonial submission form on your website.

How To Use Testimonials

Once you’ve started collecting testimonials, it’s important to use them in the most useful and efficient way. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Website Product or Service Pages

Your website’s produce and service pages play a key role in converting visitors to clients. Therefore, if you are not using testimonials here you are throwing away a golden opportunity.

Nowhere is it more helpful to have recommendations than on your website’s product and service pages. Remember, 70% of people will buy after reading a testimonial from a past customer. They don’t even have to know that person!

Landing Pages and Sales Letters

First impressions can create a customer or lose one for good. Therefore, any place where you are introducing your brand and asking people to buy should include testimonials from your raving fan customers.

Social Media Posts

This is one of the easiest, inexpensive, and most effective places to grab potential new customer’s attention.

Creating regular weekly posts where you highlight testimonials from raving fan clients is a great way to drum up interest in your brand and its products and services.

Blog Posts

When a potential client makes their way to your blog page, this is a great place to highlight some of your best testimonials. Many of your readers will have landed on your website through an external source and this will be the first time they’ve been introduced to you.

Therefore, make sure that there are testimonials within your blog page that will help attract the attention and interest in any visitors who find it. Ideally, you don’t want your testimonials to get in the way of your blog content but instead they should be in the sidebar or at the end of the blog.

In Conclusion

Using testimonials to build your brand can be one of the most effective ways to gain trust from potential new customers as well as establish your brand as an expert in its field.

Furthermore, there are so many other effective ways to use testimonials. Such as in case studies, print marketing materials, email sequences, and more. The key is to remain open to the possibilities and consistently ask for endorsements from your raving fan customers!


6 Ways To Promote Your Book For Free

So you’ve finally finished writing the book that’s been in your head forever but now you’re wondering to yourself, “How do I promote my book for free online?” After all, you want to sell your book and be seen but not at the expense of your limited budget.

Have no fear. Promoting your book online is one of the easiest things to accomplish as well as one of the most cost effective ways to promote. There are literally hundreds of ways to get your book in front of and in the hands of readers. However, I will now give you my top seven online book promotion ideas.

Create A Free Author Website

If you already have a website, you should be promoting your book there as well. Create a page just for your book and describe what the book is about as well as any other information that will attract readers to you.

If you don’t have a website, there are many ways to create a simple, free author website or page to promote your book online. Sites like Bookbub and Goodreads will let you create an author’s page free of charge. These types of pages are simple spaces where you can answer reader questions, collect reviews, and promote your books.

In addition to free author websites, you might want to consider creating a ,more professional looking website using WordPressWix, or Weebly.

These sites are great for those on a budget because they have free as well as paid options. With the paid options you, of course, get more freedom to create a site specific to your brand.

Create A Freebie

Freebies are a great way to attract readers that you might not otherwise be introduced to. A freebie is content that you give away in return for a person’s email address.

Many writers post free content such as a the first three chapters of their book or a free e-book on a topic related to the book they are promoting.

An example would be creating a free e-book on how to prepare a week’s worth of meals in one afternoon. This would be a great idea for someone who has written a cookbook.

Send Email Newsletters

Once you have built up a good sized email list, it is a great idea to send out a regular monthly newsletter. The content in your newsletters are meant to keep your readers engaged.

Your newsletter is the perfect place to announce upcoming releases, contests, and events as well as reader testimonials and more.

Spread The Word On Social Media

Social media is one of the best places to concentrate your promotional efforts when promoting your book. This is especially true if your promotional budget is tight. We can thank organic reach for this.

Social media is a place where you get the opportunity to promote your books for free. You do this by engaging with your followers. You can engage readers by asking them to like, comment, and share your content with their network.

Another way to take advantage of social media’s organic reach is to create contests and challenges. Your contests and challenges should give your readers a chance to win a prize.

These contests should require them to give their email address as well as spread the news about your book as well.

Create A Goodreads Giveaway

One of the best ways to promote your book is by creating a Goodreads giveaway. Goodreads giveaways will also help you generate some interest in your book as well as get some reviews.

You should know though that the giveaways only work with print books. However, there are some things you can do with your digital book as well.

You should also know that because Goodreads is a site for avid readers, their reviews can be a bit harsher than those you might get on Amazon.com. So just prepare yourself. I assure you, it will be worth it.

Write A Blog

You’re a writer, right? Well, writers love to write and a blog is the perfect place to engage your readers. It has always been my personal opinion that every website should have a blog on it.

Blogs are places where you can share content or subject related to the topic of your books. These short, easy-to-read articles allow your readers to learn more about you and your books. Because blogs are condensed content, it makes them easy for readers to share with friends.

And So Much More…

These are only a handful of ways to promote your books. There are hundreds of other ways to answer your question, “How do I promote my book for free online?”. All you need is some time and imagination.


Newsjacking And How To Use It

Brands and entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to stand out and attract new audiences to their products and services. Enter newsjacking! Newsjacking is not a new concept really. Brands and large companies have been embracing it for quite some time now.

So, what exactly is newsjacking? It’s exactly what it sounds like. Using the words of newsjacking’s biggest authority and the person who coined the term, David Meerman Scott, “Newsjacking is the art and science of injecting your ideas into a breaking news story so you and your ideas get noticed.”

Basically, newsjacking is being aware of breaking news and connecting that news to your brand, your products, or your services in some way.

Now the breaking news that you connect with does not have to be some devastating happening in the world and, in fact, using caution around newsjacking those types of events is probably sage advice. No one likes a brand that takes advantage of some devastating event that’s taking place in the world. The only time I would say to newsjack a negative event like a natural disaster, pandemic, or tragedy of some sort, is if what you’re offering can help in some way to make the situation better for the people involved.

However, newsjacking positive or fun events can not only get your brand, products, and services seen, it can also make people smile. There have been some great newjacking by big brands that have really gotten noticed by lots of people and made them laugh at the same time.


Charmin: During the 2013 Oscars, Charmin used its product to poke fun at itself and the event but did so in a way that was humorous and didn’t offend.

Oreo: During the 2013 Superbowl blackout, Oreo was quick on the draw when they tweeted this tweet.

Burger King: In 2019, McDonalds lost it’s exclusivity for using the term Big Mac when it was sued by an Irish fast food chain, Supermac’s. McDonalds were still allowed to use the name Big Mac but the court ruled that the term could be used by anyone and could not be trademarked exclusively to McDonalds. Burger King in Sweden immediately responded with this newsjacking gem on their menus.

Source: Marketing Interactive

The key to winning when using newsjacking is that you have to respond right away. Once others have started to really comment on the item it’s more than likely too late to benefit your brand in a positive way. You need to constantly be eyeing the news and looking for ways to use it to promote or bring attention to your brand and jump into action right away.

David Meerman Scott, on his website newsjacking.com offers this graphic on knowing when to use newsjacking most effectively.

As you can see, once public excitement begins to grow it’s too late to newsjack an item or event.

Other points to be aware of are always keep your newsjacking attempts classy, if you can make your attempts humorous that’s always a winner with most audiences, and always be aware of your own brand. You never want to damage your own brand just to be seen. That would just defeat the purpose of newsjacking in the first place.

The technique of newsjacking, when used appropriately and quickly, can be an effective tool for gaining new followers and keeping loyal ones.

For more information on newsjacking, you can check out Newsjacking.com as well as do a search online to find great examples of brands that have used this technique flawlessly. With a little research and creativity on your part, newsjacking can make your marketing more fun and effective and help you and your team think outside the box.


How To Create A Mutually Successful Relationship With Your Social Media Manager

So you’ve finally taken that big step and hired a social media manager to handle your online brand but how can make sure that the relationship is a fruitful one?

Many individuals and companies hire social media managers with the expectation that they no longer have to be involved with all things social media oriented. Adopting this type of attitude is bound to not only cause frustration for both you and your social media manager but also sabotage your brand’s online goals.

When you hire a social media manger, you are hiring someone to take over the daily day-to-day functions required to have a growing social media presence. However, there are several actions that your social media manger requires from you in order to be successful in achieving your brand’s goals and expectations.

#1: Clear Goals

The first action that your social media manager requires from you to be successful is a clear vision of what goals you and your brand are trying to achieve. Without this important information, you are leaving your social media manager to decide for themselves what you need. This requires time and can cause misunderstandings between the two of you should the social media manager choose a goal that wasn’t what you were hoping for.

Now, having said the above, many social media managers prefer to do a full assessment of your brand’s current social media presence before they agree to work for you. This assessment is usually presented to you in the form of a social media proposal.

In this proposal, they will outline your brand’s current social media stats and suggest some goals to focus on to start with. Your job is to review this proposal in its entirety, make any changes, and return it signed and approved to the social media manager. This provides a clear picture of where your brand is and what the first steps are to achieving success as a team.

#2: Access To Brand Resources

Before your social media manager can begin their work, they need to have access to specific brand resources in order to be successful. They will need log in credentials to all of your brand’s social media profiles as well as any social media tools your brand may already be using.

Your social media manager will also need to be able to have a way to contact not only you but certain members of your team such as graphic designers, web developers, and any in-house people that can help them if they have any questions or challenges regarding technology and answering followers’ questions or concerns. Many organizations use platforms such as Asana, Trello, Skype Chat, Zoom, WhatsApp, and others so that everyone on the team can stay up to date and in touch with each other. Your social media manager needs to be a part of those organizational platforms to be effective for your brand.

Other resources your social media manager will need access to are any graphics, pictures, videos, and logos that belong to your brand. These are required in order to keep your social media profiles in alignment with your brand.

#3: Teamwork

Every single member of your brand must work together as a team to help achieve the brand’s goals. This includes working together with the social media manager. Social media is a team effort and without teamwork achieving brand’s goals can be an uphill climb.

Asking the members of your team to be active on the brand’s social media pages may seem like a small thing but it can produce huge results. Make sure that everyone on your team has liked the brand’s social media pages. Ask them to like, comment on, and share the brand’s social media content.

By doing this, you are helping your brand reach people that it may not normally be able to reach and in doing so you help your social media manager achieve the brand’s goals more quickly.

Another reason it’s important for your team members to follow your brands social media pages is to help find inconsistencies or errors and make sure they are fixed quickly. Social media is a fast-paced game and social media managers are human beings who make mistakes just like you. Many times in the process of creating and scheduling content, engaging with followers, and making taking care of all the daily social media tasks, typos and mistakes happen. Social media manager love to know that there are extra eyes helping them keep the brand consistent and as perfect as possible.

#4: Patience

Social media is an art form, not a science. It takes time to get specific results and each brand is different in what it needs and what it takes to achieve its results.

Also, social media is a constantly changing organism that requires constantly changing techniques. This means that what worked last month, last week, or even yesterday, may not work today. Most time achieving specific results requires patience and a constant stream of trial and error learning.

Social media changes for several reasons including updates and changes in the overall social media platform by its creators, changes in a platform’s algorithms, changes in the laws that oversee the way a platform is run, and overall changes in usage and attitudes of the platform’s users.

Many of these changes are not predictable and all of them require brands and social media managers to experiment with content, scheduling, and how they engage with followers to get the results they’re after and all of this takes time and patience.

So, give your social media manager time to figure out not only what works for your brand but also what needs to be adjusted in order to get the results you’re after, every time there’s a change in the platform that affects their work.

Using these four steps will not only create a mutually successful relationship between your team and your social media manager but it will also create a social media presence that achieves and exceeds your brand’s goals.


5 Important Things You Need To Know Before Hiring A Social Media Manager

There comes a time in every brand’s life when hiring a social media manager becomes a consideration. This usually happens once a venture begins to take off and the daily tasks become too numerous for one person to keep up with or when the abilities of the brand’s staff are not sufficient to properly execute the social media strategy needed for advancement of the brand.

Regardless of the reason for hiring a social media manager, there are 5 key things you need to know before bringing that new person on board.

#1: Know Your Goals

Before hiring a social media manager to handle your online profiles, you need to know what your goals are. What are you trying to accomplish? Are you looking for more followers? More engagement? To extend your brand’s awareness? To increase sales? To get more traffic to your website?

Chances are you were shaking your head “Yes” to all of those things. That’s because those are all very noble goals to want to achieve. However, you need to be aware that every one of those goals requires a different type of approach and technique to accomplish. This means you must understand that in most circumstances, only one or two goals can be worked on at a time.

With that in mind, you need to be ready when your potential social media manager asks what your social media goals are. Most social media managers will either ask you outright or will review what is happening with your current social media and make suggestions about what they think should be worked on first.

If you have a specific goal or goals in mind, make sure you make those goals clear to your social media manager so they can come up with a plan for meeting your expectations.

#2: Know Your Budget

Before hiring a social media manager, you must know what your budget can afford. There is no sense in having a great social media presence if the cost is going to bankrupt your business.

Social media managers can be expensive especially when hiring one that has a lot of experience under their belt. You need to know exactly what you can afford and you need to make that budget known to your social media manager.

Also, know that most experienced, professional social media managers will usually be happy to work with you when it comes to your goals and budgets. Once you make them aware of your brand’s goals, they can prioritize those goals that need the most attention first and scale the social media plan up or down to accommodate your brand’s needs and budget.

Once the top priorities are addressed, they will then move on to the next goal on the list and so on. As your social media presence begins to create more revenue for your brand, your social media manager will meet with you and the social media plan can be scaled up or down to suit the new needs of your brand.

#3: Results Take Time

One of the biggest concepts that you must grasp when it comes to social media is that results take time. Social media is not an instant fix and you won’t get results overnight regardless of who is handling your social media. If any social media manager guarantees results overnight, you need to run as fast as you can away from that person or agency.

The fact is that social media is basically a word of mouth kind of advertising and it takes time and constant effort before your brand starts to be seen by the masses. The more consistently quality content is posted to your social media profiles, the more that content will pick up speed and start to engage followers but all of this takes time.

You should know that on average it usually takes at least 3-6 months of working on a social media goal before you will start to see results. You should also know that every time you change the direction or goal of your social media campaigns, you begin that 3-6 month time frame all over again.

This is why an experienced social media manager will usually have you pick only 1-2 goals at a time. They will then review the progress of those goals with you every 6 months (or sooner if the goal is met) to decide if more time is needed or if other goals can be added to the mix.

#4: Organic vs. Paid Traffic

Many people assume that when they hire a social media manager their services include paid posts or advertising on social media platforms. You should know, that in most cases, it doesn’t.

Most of the time when you hire a social media manager you are hiring someone to write and post organic content, engage with your followers, respond to comments, and generally look out for your brand’s reputation online. All of this is a lot of work and takes a lot of time and experience, which is why social media managers demand the fee that they do.

The type of content outlined above is called organic, meaning that the people that find your page and ultimately your website, services, and products are coming to you for free via other people sharing, liking, and commenting on your social media content.

This is why encouraging everyone you know to like, share, and comment on your social media profiles and content is so important. Many social media managers, myself included, feel that this type of organic traffic is more valuable than traffic that you buy (a.k.a. paid traffic).

Paid traffic is just that. It’s content on your social media pages that you pay the platform to promote to certain audiences that you choose in order to meet certain goals. These goals can be anything from getting more likes on your page to more traffic and/or sales on your website to building your email list.

What you need to know here is that although paid advertising on social media can be relatively inexpensive, it really doesn’t start to produce results until you put at least $200 per month into it and to get optimal results it will require a minimum of $500 per month and upwards.

The money that you pay to your social media manager for this gets sent directly to the social media platform that you’re promoting your content on by the social media manager. The social media manager does not get to keep this fee. Always make sure you ask your social media manager for a monthly statement from the social media platform showing the amount paid to them.

Make sure that you factor this type of Paid social media into your plan if you are hoping to reach beyond Organic traffic. It is not usually included in a social media manager’s standard contract but it is rather an add-on to the standard contract.

#5: Teamwork

Lastly, but definitely not least, you need to know that once you hire a social media manager it doesn’t mean you can step completely away from your social media. Social media management is a team effort.

Your social media manager is still going to need some input from you and your brand on a regular basis. They will have questions that only you can answer. Thoughts about ways to further your brand’s reach that will need your approval. Questions and comments from your social media followers that they will need your response to and company graphics and information that only you can supply to them.

You, your company, and your social media manager must become a team in order to be successful and achieve your goals. Without collaboration and input from you, your social media manager can only go so far towards achieving your brand’s wants and needs.

Once you understand these five keys, you are ready to hire a social media manager and achieve your social media goals.

If you have any further questions or should you want to hire me for your social media management needs, please contact me using the contact page on this site to get started.


8 Clues That It’s Time To Hire A Social Media Manager

There are many reasons to hire a social media manager for you and your brand. However, knowing when the time is right to do so can be a tough decision to make especially when trying to keep your budget tight.

For many brands, there comes a point when you know something has to change but fear keeps you from taking that leap. Here are eight keys to help you with your decision to hire a social media manager.

You Are Not Social Media Savvy

Running a brand is hard enough without having to be social media savvy too. Many personalities and brands are great at what they do but find social media or technology for that matter to be something that eludes them.

If you fall into this category, there’s no reason to be upset or ashamed of yourself. You just do you. Leave the social media to a professional who loves what they do and can get actual results for you in the process.

You Just Don’t Have The Time To Do The Social Media Part Yourself

Many brands and entrepreneurs do have extensive knowledge of social media and how it works but just don’t have the time that’s needed to create the online presence that their brand requires.

If you’re this person, I want you to understand that you can’t be everywhere and do everything in your business by yourself. It’s okay to delegate or hire someone to do the social media aspect of your business for you. You can, and should, be actively involved in creating your social media presence but you don’t have to be the one to implement it on a daily basis. Letting a professional social media manager take this part of your business over will give you the time you need to do everything else that your brand requires.

You Have No Clue Which Social Media Platforms Are Best For You and Your Brand

This is a big one. There are so many social media platforms out there today and more popping up daily that it’s common to think your brand needs to be on every one of them. However, the fact is that you really don’t.

One of the keys to being a social media superstar is knowing which platforms work the best for your brand and its products and services. There is no sense in spending time creating content and communities on social media platforms if your ideal clients aren’t even there. This will just lead to frustration and disappointment.

Social media managers are experts in finding out who you are, what your brand’s image is, and who your ideal clients are so they can choose the social media platforms that will serve you best, develop a community there, and engage with those clients on a regular basis with quality, meaningful content.

Writing Is Not Your Forte

Writing is a skill that requires great effort and thought. Writing content is not something that you can quickly throw together and move on. Most content writers spend hours a day on the content they write for blogs, websites, articles, podcasts, and courses. Not only is writing time-consuming, it also requires a high degree of knowledge about the use of language and meanings.

There are many great writers in the world but not everyone is one. If you’re not good at writing or you don’t enjoy writing process, then it’s best for you and your brand to hire a professional social media manager to take on that task.

A big part of being a social media manager is writing. Everything social media managers do requires a firm grasp on language, meaning, and how to use those things in a way that really attracts and engages their readers. This is vital to creating a powerful social media presence for you and your brand.

Your Social Media Engagement Is Low And You Don’t Know What To Do About It

Many entrepreneurs and brands do their own social media and content writing and enjoy it, yet they find that they just aren’t getting the engagement that they want and need. This is a common occurrence.

There are many reasons for why this could be happening. It could be your copy writing is not in alignment with your brand’s mission. It could be that you are utilizing the wrong social media profiles for your brand. It could be that the timing of your content is off. It could be that your message isn’t clear enough to attract your ideal clients.

Social media managers are experts at analyzing data in a way that gets results. They know how to figure out why something is or isn’t working and find a way to get the results you need and want.

You’re Having Challenges Responding To All The Interactions On Social Media

Sometimes even if you have the writing, social media, and business savvy required to create an engaging social media presence, you find yourself in the weeds. Meaning, all the social media interactions needed to keep your ideal clients engaged and wanting more gets out of hand and you can’t keep up.

At some point in your business when it is doing really well, you’ll feel like you’re on a roller coaster that just won’t stop to let you get a breath. This is totally natural and a really great problem to have.

If you find yourself feeling like you just can’t keep up with everything you need to do to keep your brand’s social media community happy, healthy, and engaged, it’s time to hire a social media manager.

Social media managers know that it’s necessary to have continuous, engaging communication with your social media community. This is one of the key ingredients to building a great following for your brand and if you don’t keep up with it, it can cost you. Social media managers make sure that all your brand’s interactions with its followers are up to date and responded to immediately and professionally keeping your community happy, engaged, and loyal.

You Don’t Have The Patience For All The Stupidity And Hate On Social Media

I have had many people and entrepreneurs tell me that they can’t deal with the way people act on social media and threaten to shut down all their brand’s profiles online. This, of course, is not the answer.

In this day and age, it’s virtually a requirement for a business or brand to have a social media presence and with that it’s necessary to come up with a way to handle all the stupidity and hate that will inevitably target your profiles at some point.

No brand is immune to hate mongers or trolls when it comes to social media. The anonymity that being online creates for everyone is both a blessing and a curse. Unfortunately, many angry people with nothing good to say and plenty time on their hands use that anonymity to spread their hatred and anger and most times it has nothing to do with you or your brand.

Social media managers handle these people on a daily basis for their clients. They have mastered methods for diffusing difficult situations online by providing a calming voice of reason and also, know when and how to shut a conversation down without causing harm to you, your brand, or your social media community.

You’re Neglecting The Rest Of Your Business To Be Great On Social Media

Many entrepreneurs have the skills necessary to be exceptional social media managers for themselves but often times it’s at the expense of neglecting the rest of their business.

Many people underestimate the time necessary for building and maintaining a social media presence for their brand and doing so can wind up damaging the business. What sense does it make to have a great social media presence if the daily business operations are being ignored?

A social media manager takes the pressure off of you so that you can take care of the other important parts of the business to ensure that everything is running the way it should and is able to care for all those clients that social media brings in.

So, if any of these eight keys are beginning to become common occurrence for you in dealing with your brand’s social media presence, you might want to consider hiring a social media manager to help you grow your brand.

There are many places to find a professional social media manager including digital agencies and freelance professionals. Of course, if you would like my help managing your brand’s social media presence feel free to contact me using the contact me page on this website or by clicking on the envelope icon in the lower right-hand side of this page. I would love to serve you and your business. Please understand that my availability is on a first come, first served basis and there could be a wait list during high demand.


8 Top Ways To Engage Your Social Media Audience Like A Professional

Creating a social media presence takes a lot more effort than many think but it doesn’t have to be hard. It just takes an awareness of what your audience is looking for and then giving that to them consistently.

Your audience will be initially attracted to your messaging, your products and services, and your brand but keeping them engaged and active means making their experience of you and your business a pleasant, fun, and fruitful one. Below are eight ways to engage and grow your social media audience to create a positive experience.

Be Visual

People are very visual creatures. We respond to lively colors as well as pictures, videos, and graphics. Always make your content attractive by including different visual elements that align closely with your content’s message and purpose. Doing this brings your audiences’ eyeballs to your social media posts and encourages them to look deeper by reading your post, watching your videos, or studying your graphics. This is how you get your audience to ingest the quality information you’re offering them bringing them deeper into your brand’s community of raving fans.

It is also important to consistently update your social media images such as the profile picture and headers. Studies indicate that your profile and cover pictures are some of the most liked, shared, and commented on parts of your social media profile.

Keeping the images fresh by highlighting your company’s mission and ability to help its customers will catch your audiences’ eyes and inform them that you and your company are always looking to bring them new and exciting content, products, and services that will enhance their lives.

Ask Questions

One of the best ways to engage your social media audience is to ask them questions. People love to talk about themselves. Ask your audience how they’re doing, how you can help them improve their lives, what they want the content of your next blog or video to be, or even get them involved in how you run your business by asking them to help you with a challenge your company is having.

People love to help and be involved, so asking them to help you choose the cover for your next product or book or how you should decorate the background you use in your videos is one huge way to start a conversation with your audience and help them feel like they have an intimate connection to your company.

Fun surveys are a great way to ask your audience questions and get clarity on what they want and need from you and your company. You can create free surveys online for free with platforms like Survey Monkey and others like it.

Know Your Audience

In order to create any service or product, you first need to know who you are making it for. You cannot engage an audience if you don’t know who they are or what is important to them. In addition to creating surveys and asking questions as suggested above, you need to sit down and really think about who your target audience is and what you can really do for them.

Have a brainstorming session with yourself and/or your team and really describe who you are trying to attract to your business. Your description should be detailed down to what they look like, what they do for a living, their preferences, whether they are married or single, and what their name is as well as what some of their pain points and challenges are. It may sound silly now but once you’re done with this process there will be no stopping you. You will have the power to talk directly to your ideal audience of potential customers in an informed and caring way.

Encourage Your Audience To Like, Share, and Comment

In addition to creating consistent engaging content, encourage your social media followers to like, share, and comment. It can be as easy as asking them to do it. You may find at first, a limited amount of people respond but as you built your community, more and more people will gladly tell everyone they know about the great things you and your company do.

One of the great ways to get your social media audience to do this are contests. Giving away some small reward such as a gift card, a copy of your book/course/product, a discount on a product or service, or even a private one-on-one consult with you will excite your audience to want to spread the word about you and your business to everyone they know.

Show Your Sense Of Humor

It’s always wise to keep your business page professional. However, it’s totally okay to show your audience your sense of humor from time to time. It gives them a sense of being part of your life and shows them that you’re human too.

Create Consistent Content

This not only means creating regularly scheduled content but also content that is consistent to your brand. Don’t skip all over the place trying to grab everyone’s attention. Narrow in on your specialty and stick with it. Your audience needs to know who you are, what you’re about, and what you can do for them. If you are constantly exploring subject matter that is unrelated or too broad your audience will get confused and look for someone else who has more clarity.

Go Live

Creating regular live streaming video events is a great way to engage your audience and it’s becoming very mainstream especially at this point in history with all of us staying home and in lock down mode due to the coronavirus.

Going live on social media gives your audience a type of connection that you can’t get from regular blogs, posts, and graphics. It creates a real time interaction with your audience where they can ask questions and comment on the content directly to you.

Make sure you announce the date and times you are going to go live a few days in advance, if possible, and give your audience a heads up on what you’ll be talking about. Encourage them to have questions for you and perhaps to send those questions to you in advance so you can prepare and have a professional, well-informed answer for them during the event. Also, having a nice, off the cuff, Q&A session at the end of the event creates even more personal contact and allows those who have other questions about the content you just went over to get the clarity they need.

Be Creative

These are not the only ways to engage and interact with your social media audience. The world is full of ideas and they are only limited by your imagination and dedication. When you know your audience well, you know what they like, want, and need. You know what they will find interesting and fun. So, make sure that whatever you do to communicate and engage with your audience, you create an atmosphere of inspiration, education, warmth, and fun that they will want to come back to again and again.

Get a FREE copy of my book, Making Your Business a Social Media Superstar, by CLICKING HERE!


Facebook Business Page Or Personal Profile – What’s The Difference And Why It Matters

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make on Facebook is using a personal profile for their business instead of setting up a business page. This is a HUGE no-no!

It is vitally important that you always keep your personal profile separate from your business page. Yet many people still don’t know the difference between the two or the reasons why they should be kept separate. Here are three reasons why it’s so important.

#1: Facebook Says So!

The number one reason to create a business page for your business or brand rather than just using your personal profile is because it’s against Facebook’s policy to use a personal profile to promote your business.

Your personal profile is strictly for staying in touch with friends and relatives and sharing your personal life with them. It is not for promoting your business or brand.

Facebook is quite firm on this and if it is found out that you are using your personal profile for your business or brand, they will shut your profile down and you won’t get it back. No ifs, ands, or buts.

#2: Privacy

Privacy is an issue these days. With access to everything you could possibly think of at your fingertips online, why would you want to expose your personal life to your customers, clients, and followers?

It is important when running a business to keep your personal life private from the general public. It may not seem like a big deal to you at the moment but as your business grows bigger and your customer base grows larger, do you really want total strangers knowing where your kids go to school, where you go with your family, or even how you like to let loose on your time off?

Not only is revealing this type of information to your customers and clients extremely unprofessional, it can be downright dangerous. Never volunteer personal information to anyone online. Do some research on phishing and social engineering to educate yourself on all the ways people get and use your information and I think you’ll begin to understand why it’s important to keep your private life private and separate from your business at all times.

#3: Promoting Your Business

Another big reason to set up a business page rather than use your personal profile is the benefits to your business.

Friends or Likes: Personal profiles have huge limitations when it comes to ‘friends’. On a personal profile, you can only have a max of 5,000 friends and although that sounds like a lot, it’s not that much when it comes to being a business.

Business pages can have an unlimited number of ‘likes’ and ‘followers’, which means you can constantly be expanding your business or brand’s reach.

If you use your personal profile as a business page (Just a reminder: BIG no-no!) and you max out your 5,000 friend allowance, you will find yourself creating a business page and trying to get all those ‘friends’ to now ‘like’ your business page. Some will make it over to your business page but I can assure you that you will lose the majority of your following. It is extremely difficult to get people to abandon a personal profile for a business page once they’ve gotten nice and cozy with you.

Advertising: There is absolutely no way to promote a post or advertise from a personal profile. This means that if you set up your business using a personal profile, you will have done all that work for nothing.

Not only will it be difficult to get your ‘friends’ to cross over and ‘like’ your new business page but you will not be able to promote posts that you’ve written on your personal page. You will be starting from scratch and working frustratingly hard to build up the new business page, which is unfortunately a huge waste of time for you.

In addition to being able to promote and advertise on your business page, business pages give you a lot of tools to help improve your brand’s reach which will help in every aspect of your business growth.

So, when setting up your business on Facebook, take the time to do it right the first time. It will save you a lot of frustration and time and it will create a more professional image for you and your business.

For help setting up your Facebook business page, Facebook has resources here: https://www.facebook.com/business/pages/set-up or you can purchase a copy of my book, Making Your Business A Social Media Superstar, by clicking here.

Also, when creating your business page, please read my article on the importance of claiming your username on Facebook here.


Top Ways To Get Inspired When Creating Content

It’s happened to us all. You sit down to write a blog, website content, or a chapter in your book and the minute your fingers hit the keyboard, your mind goes blank. You got nothing! Inspiration is nowhere to be found!

Lack of inspiration can be caused by something as simple to fix as your physical environment. It can also be affected by something more challenging like your mindset and psychology.

Regardless of the cause of your dip in inspiration, have no fear! There are simple ways to get your writing mojo back, your fingers moving, and your creative inspiration flowing again. Here are a few tips to get you going.

Change Your Environment

Many times when I find myself stuck and inspiration no where to be found, changing my environment in little ways can do amazing things for my creativity.

  • Tidy Up: I am not a neat freak by any means. However, I have found that when my environment is messy and chaotic, I can’t think straight. I also find that when I am trying to work or concentrate in any way, a messy area can make me irritable and unable to focus. Sometimes all it takes to correct this for me is a quick straightening up of my desk area. Other times, I need to clean the entire house and do laundry before I feel a sense of brain freedom then I can actually get some work done. Every person and situation is different. Try tidying up next time you find yourself having problems with concentration and motivation. I am sure it will help you too. Sometimes the act of doing something easy and rewarding, like cleaning up, helps to release tension. That release of tension then seems to help create more focus.
  • Light A Scented Candle: I am very sensitive to scents and different ones evoke different emotions for me. I love things that smell clean and fresh. I’ve figured out that burning a pleasant smelling candle helps me to concentrate and feel relaxed. When I was in college studying for my Bachelors degree, I always had a scented candle in my study area just for that task. My favorite scent was Yankee Candles’ Sage and Citrus. This candle always seemed to provide the right balance of mental energy and physical relaxation at the same time. My brain was aware and my body was happy to sit still and concentrate. When I wanted to relax at night while reading or winding down from a busy day, Yankee Candles’ Midsummer’s Night was my go-to scent. Find a scent that makes you feel focused and motivated and give it a try.
  • Play Some Music: I have always been a music person and have a love of music that spans from classical to Top 40 so this is one that I find really helps change my state to something positive when I am needing inspiration. Very often when we are lacking inspiration and motivation it is because our physical and mental states need something to jostle them into one more positive and uplifting. There’s a reason they use music in movies. Through music you can change your emotions instantly. As for types of music, everyone is different. For me, when I am trying to write I usually can’t listen to something with lyrics because then I concentrate more on singing along than getting my work done. I also can’t listen to classical guitar music when I am trying to write because as a classically trained guitarist, I start to concentrate more on the music and how it’s played than my work. I do, however, find music like Buddha Groove Chill music as well as Ambient and dance music quite good for motivation and getting things done.
  • Move To Different Space: Sometimes, no matter what you try you just can’t get inspired to create content and that’s when I pull out the big guns. Usually, if I’ve done some or all of the above I am a newly refreshed person who is unstoppable However, sometimes it’s just not enough. Maybe I’ve been in the house too long and need to get out for a bit or I am in a frump and need a change of scenery to break the foul mood. Whatever the cause sometimes I just need to be in another space for a bit. Many times I can set up in another room in the house and that’s all it takes but sometimes I need complete change in every sensory way and that’s when I venture out for a bit. Many times a quick run to Starbucks or the supermarket for a treat will fix it and I am back in business. Other times I pack up my laptop and head to a cafe or even the local library where they have free internet, and set up my office for a few hours while I people watch at the same time as I work. I have also been known to set up my office outside in the backyard or even in a park, if I don’t need internet at that moment. Experiment and find what works for you. Usually a lack of inspiration is due to needing a break from the usual so break it up a bit and just see what happens.

Get Some Rest

Often when I lose my motivation for writing or creating in general, it’s because I am tired either physically or emotionally. Taking a break and letting your body and mind rest and rejuvenate can turn things completely around.

  • Get A Good Night’s Sleep: Lack of sleep has been proven to cause depression, lack of motivation, cognitive decline, and general foul mood. I cannot emphasize the role that getting a solid night’s sleep can have on creative inspiration and motivation in general. Making a great effort to get a full night’s rest can cure any lack of inspiration in a flash. If you are having trouble sleeping, there a plenty of apps and sleeping aids that can help you achieve some rest. I prefer to use only natural means for sleep, among them are Melatonin supplements, reading before bed, a hot bath before bed, listening to soothing music, eating a banana and a glass of almond or coconut milk (you’d be surprised how well this works!) and having a good laugh with my significant other. Find what works for you and get the rest your body and brain needs.
  • Take A Nap: I am a huge fan of naps. There have been many times where a quick hour nap has saved me from being ineffective, grumpy, and just plain not fun to be around. You may think you don’t have time for a nap but sometimes that quick respite can rescue your entire day and bring back the inspiration and motivation you need to achieve your goals.
  • Go For A Walk Outside: A quick walk around the block and some fresh air has been known to change my attitude and motivation level. If you couple this walk with listening to some music or a podcast, you can double or triple the effect not to mention the fact that you get some exercise too which is always a great thing.
  • Watch TV: This one is a dangerous one because it’s too easy to turn watching a quick show into a binge watching session that lasts all day. However, sometimes when we’ve been focusing too much on what needs to be done we mentally tire ourselves out which causes us to lose motivation and inspiration. A quick break to watch a show or two can break us from reality for a little bit and let our brains relax and recharge. I do this one occasionally but I have to time myself and be strict with it or I could find myself lingering on the couch for way too long. Use with caution.
  • Read: Reading is along the same lines as watching TV in that it gives the brain a chance to take a break from reality and go somewhere else for a bit. This one, too, can be dangerous if you’re an avid reader like I am so be cautious. I usually prefer to leave this one as a reward for after I’ve accomplished some daily goals because stopping to return to work can be difficult for me.
  • Meditate: Meditating for even five minutes can make a huge difference in your productivity and ability to find inspiration. Whether you just sit quietly with your eyes closed or you use an app to help you, the affect can be quite helpful and refreshing.

Feed Your Body

When I am hungry or haven’t been eating well nutritionally, it shows up big time as grumpiness, lack of motivation, no creativity, and basically a brain that refuses to function at high capacity. Making yourself a good nutrition meal or snack can change that unmotivated state to a energized one literally in a matter of minutes.

Also, don’t forget to stay hydrated with go old H2O, a.k.a water, because a dehydrated body is a body that is tired and a mind that is fuzzy. So, when you’re having a hard time getting motivated and finding inspiration, make sure you’re taking care of your body first. It can’t change everything!


One of the best methods to use when looking for inspiration is to brainstorm ideas. When I do this I give myself no restraints and no limits. I simply sit down with a pen and paper or my laptop and let myself brain dump every idea, no matter how silly or dumb they seem, onto the paper or screen. Do not edit yourself. Every idea that you write down is valid and could lead to something really inspired.

Now is not the time to sensor yourself. Get it all out and keep writing constantly. Do not let yourself have time in between things you’re writing down to contemplate any of the ideas you’re getting down. Save that for after you’re sure you have nothing left to get out of your brainstorming session. Then, after you’ve had a little break, come back to the list and see what you have and pick a few items to develop further.

Stop Beating Yourself Up

You’re not perfect and you never will be. This is something that took me a long time to figure out. My quest for perfection caused a lot of frustration and very little action for years. I always thought that if I couldn’t do something perfect, I shouldn’t do it at all. The truth is if you wait for perfection, you’ll live a life of frustration and you’ll never accomplish anything.

No one is expecting you to be perfect. Just do your absolute best and the rewards will come your way. If you don’t feel like you did your best, then try hard next time but don’t let the search for perfection keep you from achieving your dreams. Dreams come in little increments over a span of time. They rarely happen overnight.

So, instead of beating yourself up, tell yourself that today you will do your absolute best today and tomorrow you will do better but never wait until you can do something perfectly to start doing something.

In Conclusion

We all have times when we lack inspiration and fear that we’ll never get it back. Know that that’s a falsehood and you most definitely will have that spark again real soon.

The next time you feel that way, grab a few of the ideas above and give them a try or why not create an Inspiration Checklist that you regularly do before starting work by linking a few of these ideas together. You might just find that your episodes of searching for inspiration get further and further apart and you have more ideas to work with than you know what to do with. That’s a great problem to have. Now get to it and create some masterpieces.


Top 6 Obstacles Preventing Most People From Writing Their Book And How To Overcome Them

If I had a dollar for every time someone has told me they wanted to write a book some day, I’d be extremely rich. Each time this happened I asked the person why they hadn’t written that book yet and each time I pretty much received the same answers over and over again.

You see, human beings are pretty predictable and we all have the same basic fears and behavior patterns. When we don’t tackle a project or goal that we really want to achieve, it basically boils down to a few key reasons. The goal of writing a book is no different.

In this article I will attempt to lay out the top six obstacles that may be preventing you from writing your best seller. Then I’ll attempt to give you some tips and reasons why you should start putting pen to paper (for you older folks) or fingers to keyboard (for you modern era folks) today and finally write your book.

Impostor Syndrome

Have you ever thought to yourself while doing your job, “One day they are going to find out that I don’t know what I am doing.” or “Who am I to teach people about X subject? What do I know?” If so, you’ve experienced Impostor Syndrome and let me tell you you’re not alone.

Every single one of us at some point in our lives has felt like we’re not good enough, we don’t know what we’re doing, we feel like we’re faking it, or eventually someone is going realize we’re a fraud. This is absolutely normal and it is also a characteristic of being a high achiever.

If you research anyone who has achieved greatness, you will find someone who doubts their abilities all the time. It’s exactly that feeling that pushes them to try harder, be better, and achieve more than anyone around them.

One of the number one reasons people don’t write a book is that they feel like they aren’t qualified to write one. They are constantly saying to themselves, “Who am I to write a book? What do I know?” My answer to those people? You know a lot more than you give yourself credit for so go write that book!

You see, nobody has your exact experience of life and because of that you’ve got a lot to teach people. Writing a book gives you credibility, authority, and expertise in your field and all those things will help you gradually overcome Impostor Syndrome.

So, how do you get pass Impostor Syndrome enough to write your book? As Nike says, “Just Do It!” Except the fact that you have these doubts and then push them aside just enough to take action. Pick up a pen and paper or sit down at your computer and start typing. Tell yourself that you don’t have to publish the book when you’re done writing it. Just get it down in book form to prove to yourself you can do it and worry about the next step when you get there.


The next obstacle that we all face is procrastination. We all start out with huge goals and ambitions but at some point that little voice in your head convinces you to do it tomorrow or watch just more episode on Netflix.

However, in order to achieve things in our lives we have to push through procrastination and its evil brother laziness and get things done. Procrastination and laziness are stealing your dreams. Don’t let something so simple get in the way of a life or identity you want for yourself.

How? Turn off the TV. Get off of social media for a few hours a day. Stop putzing around the house doing nothing and start writing a few words or pages a day. If you write one page a day at the end of the year you’ll have 365 pages towards your book and it doesn’t take much to accomplish.


This next one is one that I have had to fight with my whole life and still rears it’s ugly head from time to time and that is trying to be a perfectionist. In the past I used to put thing off until I could guarantee myself that the finished product, whatever it was, would be perfect. Guess what? I found that I kept putting things off until it was too late and the open door of achievement closed.

I finally learned about the curse of perfectionism from Tony Robbins. I was attending one of his seminars years ago and he stated, “Perfection is the lowest standard.” I remember being really offended by that statement however, after I got over my hurt feelings I realized he was 100% right because there is nothing that is perfect in this world. There is absolutely no way to be perfect and holding yourself to that standard will guarantee a life of pain.

You see, if you wait until your book is perfect before you actually write it, you will never get it written no less published.

The way to defeat this obstacle is to remember that people don’t need perfect. They need real and honest. No one expects you or anyone else to be perfect. It’s an impossible standard so stop holding yourself to it. Let it go and let ‘good enough be good enough’.

Have I completely overcome this obstacle? No. I still want everything to be perfect but I constantly remind myself that holding myself to that standard will prevent me from doing anything worthwhile. Instead I still do my best to do my best and that’s good enough. I guarantee you’ll find misspellings and other things incorrect in my site and in my books. I don’t pretend to be perfect. I am human and I will make mistakes and errors just like everybody else. My goal is to be real, honest, as accurate as possible, and help as many people as I can and that’s all we all can do.


Any big project like writing a book, creating a new website or online course, building a business will cause overwhelm. Our brains freak out if we try to give it too much information at once especially when it’s something that we have high hopes of achieving.

Overwhelm can come from not knowing where to start, having too many ideas and not knowing which one to pick or feeling like you’re going to forget what needs to be done. Overwhelm can also come from the stress of promising yourself that you will accomplish something big and then being afraid that you’re going to disappoint yourself. All of this is normal. We all feel this way from time to time.

So, how to you overcome this obstacle? First, take a deep breath. You’ve got this. I know you do. Everything you need to know is inside you right now. It’s just all trying to get out at once and it’s making you feel overwhelmed and emotional but you’ve got this.

After you take a deep breath, relax and start making a list of all the things you feel you need to do to accomplish your goal and then take work on them one at a time until you finish them all. Don’t create undo pressure on yourself, try to make each step fun and after achieving each step, celebrate in some way that’s meaningful to you. Before you know it you’ll have your book!

Lack of Organization/Discipline

This next obstacle is a big one for many people. Lack of organization and discipline can be one of the biggest factors keeping people from writing their books. Without some kind of organization and plenty of discipline your book will remain a dream that might happen in the future some time.

So, what do you do about it? Treat writing your book like a job. Schedule definitive times that you write every day and and define exactly what you are going to do during that time. Outlining, planning, and scheduling all the tasks needed to get from idea to published book is the only way to guarantee you’ll get to the finish line.


Good old fear can keep you from accomplishing everything. Fear that no one will like the book (Hint: If you don’t write it, no one will have the chance to like it.), fear that it will or won’t be successful (people fear success as much as failure), fear of being judged, and more can stop a book from ever getting past the dream stage.

We all have fears whether we admit it or not. Fear is part of life. It’s what keeps us alive but it’s also what keeps us from achieving our dreams sometimes. The way to overcome your fears about writing a book is like I said above, just do it. It’s okay to be afraid but when you do, take a deep breath and do it anyway.

So, what about you? What is keeping you from writing your book? I would love to hear what you have to say about this subject in the comments below.

Also, soon I will be introducing an online course that will take you from dream to published book. If you are interested in being on the wait list for my Book Creation Academy, sign up below to be informed when the official enrollment begins. In the meantime, you will receive a monthly newsletter filled with helpful tips and information to help you achieve your online goals.


Which Social Media Platform Is Right For You and Your Business?

There are many things to consider when deciding which social media platform is best for you and your business. Generally, I usually advise most individuals and businesses to concentrate on only one to three social media platforms.

However, figuring out which ones will benefit you and your business best can seem tricky but it doesn’t have to be. It just requires a little knowledge of each social media platform and what demographics they attract to make a solid choice.

In this first in a series of content, I will be giving you a little food for thought on what factors should be considered when making this decision. In followup blogs and videos, I will be going over some of the most popular social media platforms and sharing with you the differences and demographics for each to make your decision a bit easier.

So, without further ado, let’s discuss some of the key factors that need to be considered when choosing a social media platform.

Age of Users

Knowing what age group uses a platform most frequently is a factor that many don’t think about but it’s an important one. If you’re a business trying to attract senior citizens to your product or services but you are posting and advertising on SnapChat, you’re unlikely to achieve your goal.

Very few social media platforms attract users of all ages and knowing which age group a social media platform markets to and attracts can make all the difference when choosing which social media venues you want to use in your marketing.

Type of Users

Just because you personally use Twitter all the time does not mean that it’s the correct social media platform for you or your business. It’s essential to know who you are trying to reach before you decide which social media platform you want to use.

Many times certain platforms attract specific kinds of people and businesses. There are some social media platforms that attract purely highly educated business owners and entrepreneurs and others that have an audience of skilled freelancers or people who produce homemade crafts. Other platforms attract young Millennials or youngsters under the age of 18.

Knowing the age range of the audience you will be interacting with can make all the difference when it comes to making a connection with them. If your products or services are aimed at Millennials but you’re using a social media platform that attracts people over the age of 65, your efforts will be all for naught.

Level of Education of Users

Different social media platforms attract people of different levels of education. There are some platforms that consist of people who have graduate or terminal degrees and others that attract children in grade school.

These are totally different audiences with totally different mindsets and intellectual abilities. Trying to appeal to doctors and lawyers while on a platform that attracts middle school children will be wasting your time, effort, and money.

Interests of Users

Some platforms were created to appeal to artists and musicians while other platforms were created for children, entrepreneurs, or educators. It’s important to know what your ideal audience is interested in so that you can then find the platform where they hang out. Otherwise you might be talking to a group that has no interest in you or your business.

How Frequently Users are on the Platform

Knowing how frequently users are on a platform is also important. If the people you’re trying to reach are only on a platform occasionally it makes it difficult to build brand recognition.

In order to build brand recognition, it’s important that you can get your brand in front of people regularly so that it leaves an impression with them. If the people you’re trying to reach only use the platform once a week, or worse once a month, it’s hard for them to find you through all the other backlog they have to fish through when they do log on.

Gender of Users

Certain social media platforms appeal to certain genders. Knowing which genders are attracted to which platforms enables you to market to the appropriate audience.

If you try to attract a male audience for one of your products or services by using a platform that has a prominently female following, you will find your efforts mostly ignored.

Location of Users

Surprisingly, many social media platforms attract users from specific countries. Why this happens varies from cultural preferences to governmental restrictions. Knowing where the majority of a platform’s audience is from will help you to reach the followers you and your business need to attract.

Income Status of Users

Many platforms will predominantly attract users from specific income brackets due to the overall content contained on it. Knowing which income brackets are your ideal target audience will help you to pick the social media platform that is in alignment with your products or services.

As you can see, there is a lot that goes into which social media platform to choose for you and your business. Knowing exactly who your ideal audience is as well as the knowing the specific demographics of each platform will help you make the best decision on which platform is the best to advance your brand.

In the next few months I will present a few videos detailing the specific demographics for many of the social media platforms out there. If there is a particular social media platform you would like me to cover, leave your nomination in the comments below or send me a message by clicking here and I will do my best to cover them all for you.


How To Decide Which Content Is Best For You and Your Brand

So, you’ve decided to post content online regularly and you’re ready to begin but deciding which type of content to go with can stop even the most motivated among us.

We’ve all encountered different brands delivering content via blogs, vlogs, and podcasts but the question is, which type of content is best for you? Well, honestly it depends on many factors including your personality, abilities, and your ideal audience. Below we’ll discuss the different types of content and some pros and cons to help you decide which one is right for you.


Blogs, like the one you’re reading right now, are probably the most common type of content online today. Regardless of what fancy new way of communicating with your audience comes up, there will always be people who prefer to read your content so this is a great option to make standard in your content schedule in addition to any other content type you might wish to also pursue.

Pros: Easy to set up; Free or low-cost; Having a blog makes it easier for you and your business to be found in search engines; Blogs generally have more educational value than Vlogs and as such people are more apt to follow your advice and take you more seriously than other sources that are considered more entertainment platforms; Blogs are more convenient for many people because they can read, reread, take notes, print out to read later, etc.

Cons: Can be time consuming due to the need to research and write content; Not everybody is a writer – writing is a skill that some excel at and others don’t.


Vlogs are exactly what they sound like – a blog in video form. They still require the same amount of research and preparation as blogs but they also will up your need to understand technology as well as take more time for editing to get a polished final product.

Vlogs are becoming more main stream as many businesses and individuals use them as a way to inform and entertain their unique audience. Due to the populations’ increased preference for videos over written word, Vlogs are becoming more popular these days.

Pros: Your audience gets to see you and become more acquainted with you; Sets you apart from your competition because even though video content has become the norm, most businesses do not produce Vlogs; Due to the increased viral aspect of videos in general, Vlogs have the potential to reach more people faster; Great way to make dry, boring topics more engaging and entertaining.

Cons: May not be the best content solution for someone who is camera shy or extremely introverted; Equipment for Vlogging is more expensive than a regular written blog; Vlogging isn’t right for every business as it is primarily embraced by younger audiences; Vlogs don’t help with your SEO ranking because Google has no way of ‘reading’ your Vlog content; More time consuming than Blogging due to the need to not only film but edit finished product.


Podcasts are quickly taking over the airwaves and rightly so. They provide great content to the masses easily and allow people to listen no matter where they are from the convenience of their cellphone or laptop but they do have pros and cons as well.

Pros: Easily consumed format for all; Great for all businesses and topics; Easy and affordable to start and maintain; Convenient for listeners to download and take with them everywhere; Simple to follow success of podcast through download metrics.

Cons: It takes a while to build an audience for your podcast – you’ll need to promote it yourself a lot; You need to be strict with your Podcast and have a regular schedule because, just like a favorite TV show, if your podcast is unpredictable in its schedule people will stop listening; Podcasting does require equipment that other forms of content do not.

In closing, blogs, vlogs, and podcasts are all valuable ways to communicate your content to your ideal audience and some of you may feel like you should do them all, which is overwhelming.

My advice is to start with the one that you are most likely to enjoy doing and that you will be consistent with. For me, I like to write. It’s fun for me and I find I express myself the best when I write so it was a quick and natural decision for me to pursue creating and maintaining a blog. I have a strict blog schedule and make sure that I stick to it. It’s my job and my hobby all in one.

However, I would like to add video and a possible podcast to my content sometime down the line. So, when I feel the time is right I will add those things to my content line up. I feel no urgent pressure to do any of that right now though.

So, whichever one you decide to start with, make sure you maintain a regular schedule and have that type of content under control and filled with quality content before you decide to add another type of platform.

Also, there’s no shame in only sticking with one type of content. If you love podcasting and feel you are good at it, then stick with only that. If you have an extensive blog that gets a lot of attention and you enjoy doing it, then stick with blogging.

There is no rule that states you have to have more than one type of content. The only rule is that you always create quality content that is engaging and offers your audience value. Otherwise, the choice is entirely up to you. Do what feels right for you and your business and the audience will follow.


Quality Vs. Quantity – The Great Content Creation Debate

When it comes to content creation there’s a great debate between quality and quantity. Many content creators live by the rule of putting out as much content as they can regardless of the quality. While others would rather produce less content but ensure that what does go out is held to the highest of standards. Which way of thinking is right? Well, the answer isn’t always so cut and dry.

Some say that quantity is more important than quality because, after all, SEO and Google rankings tend to depend primarily on the amount of content that your website or blog is pushing out more than anything.

However, going down the road of putting out as much content as possible regardless of the quality can come around to bite you in the butt. Why? Because even though Google and SEO algorithms are looking out for websites that are constantly producing new content, they are also looking for content that isn’t garbage as well.

Many content creators trying to get higher rankings will put out content on a never ending, daily basis but the actual output is mediocre at best and just plain garbage at worse. Doing this WILL eventually get the attention of the powers that be but it might not be the attention you want.

You see, rankings algorithms, while they do look to make sure your website is constantly growing and changing, they also take into account the type of content it produces. They rank not only on new content but also, the amount of traffic your site gets as well as the quality of the content being put out.

If they see that the reason your site is constantly putting out content is because you’re putting out two sentence blogs or blogs that don’t really give readers valuable information or that you are just reposting content from other websites and influencers, your rankings will take a big hit.

One of the biggest things that Google ranks for is length of content and duplicate content. They know that people coming to your sight want to learn something and they aren’t just looking for basic information that they already know.

Because of this Google looks for content that is authoritative and informative. So, the more you write about your subject the better the chance is that you will get higher rankings. The reason for this is that the longer you write about a topic in an article or blog, the more likely you are to hit on the important points of your topic and actually give your readers what they are looking for – an education.

Google also looks for duplicate content. If they find that all of the pages of your website have similar content it can actually take points away from your ranking. Therefore, make sure that you approach each page on your website individually and write separate content throughout the website.

Another thing that can hurt your rankings is copying content from other websites. Yes, it’s okay to research your topic on other sites in order to write a thorough article or blog. Just don’t copy the wording from the reference blog. This is called plagiarism. Anything you do copy word for word, make sure it’s in quotes and you give proper attrition to the author or website.

There is so much that goes into the quality versus quantity debate. These are only a few of the basics. And it is a delicate balance between the two. It’s okay from time to time to throw up a quick, short article or blog if that’s all you’ve got on that particular subject but balance it with longer, more in depth articles or blogs that really give your readers a lot of valuable content that they can learn from.

Overall, I would say that if you want to err on the better side of things, focus on quality content regardless of how long the blog or article is. Always be looking to give your readers content that they can learn from and take actionable steps on. Always seek to give them your best effort and present them with something of value that will keep them coming back for more. This will position you as an expert in your field that settles for nothing but the best in everything you do. Now go forth and create quality content for all to see!


10 Important Reasons Why You Must Promote Your Content On Social Media

There’s no escaping it. If you’re looking to promote your personal brand or business, there is no better place to do it than on social media. However, if you’re one of those who still insists that you’re doing just fine without it, let me show you why you should reconsider and how social media can help you do better.

Cost Effective

The old days of needing to be a major corporate conglomerate with deep pockets to advertise are over. The advent of the internet and, subsequently, social media has put the ability to promote a brand or small business literally at everyone’s fingertips.

If you have an idea, business, or talent that you want to promote, social media can do it easily, effectively, and very economically. Creating and signing up is free on most social media platforms, which makes using those platforms a no-brainer for all, and while taking out social media ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have minimal costs, organic promotion of your content is still free.

Although organic promotion requires more dedication and time to get results, it is very doable and effective with motivation and persistence. I always suggest that small businesses, personal brands, and individuals new to social media start out by building as much organic reach as possible with their content before opening their wallets for ads and paid reach.

Brand Awareness

What better place to make people aware of who you are and what you do then a free social media platform? According to Statista, the average American spends an average of 2 hours a day on social media. In other countries that average is over 4 hours a day.

This shows the power that sits at your fingertips. Promoting your small business or personal brand on social media is one of the smartest and inexpensive ways to advance awareness of who you are, what you do, and how you can help your clients or customers.

The more people see your content and interactions on social media platforms, the more familiar they become with you and your products or services. The more familiar they are the more likely they are to have business dealings with you.

Better Engagement and Relationships

Social media is one of the best ways to engage and interact directly with your ideal clients or customers. Consistently putting out quality content that is engaging builds your audience and your expertise in the field.

Also, asking your audience questions about what they need and want, what challenges they need solutions to, and how you can serve them better shows that you care about them and want to help. This builds trust and community around your brand.

Social media also helps to make you aware of and puts you in touch with experts in your field that you can learn from and possibly partner with to make your brand stronger and more recognized.

Builds Positive Reputation

When your current or future clients or customers consistently see you or your brand engaging and interacting with them, it builds a sense that they are a part of your online family.

In addition to the sense of community that you build here, knowing that you are there to answer questions and resolve issues quickly helps to build a positive reputation for you and your brand.

This in turn makes it easy for your audience to recommend your products and services to everyone they know. This, my friend, is called organic growth and it’s one of the best things for you and your business.

Increased Website Traffic

Social media also is one of the best ways to get more traffic to your website. Quality content like blogs, vlogs, podcasts, Live videos, and webinars are great ways to bring your followers on social media to your website.

This increased traffic to your website increases the chances of some of those people turning into customers of your products and services.

Better SEO Rankings

It used to be that better SEO rankings were primarily determined by keeping your website content fresh and consistent but things in the SEO world are constantly changing.

Today not only is keeping your website up to date and creating new content part of the SEO equation, so is your social media presence. The powers that be in the SEO kingdom, now look at your social media activity as well.

Increased Understanding of your Audience

Interacting with your social media following allows you to get vital information from your audience just by asking. Creating quizzes, surveys, and challenges for your followers helps to extract information from them freely that used to be difficult to get otherwise.

Engaging with your audience and asking them what their biggest struggles are, what they want from your company, what they feel you can do better, what they feel you do great, and so much more will create a pool of data that will help you constantly stay ahead of your competition. All you have to do is ask.

Improved Customer Service

A 2018 survey found that 47% of U.S. respondents stated that they have a more favorable view of companies that respond to questions or complaints on social media.

Keeping yourself aware of what is happening on your social media profiles can allow you to stave off problems and challenges with your brand’s image quickly and effectively.

Another recent survey found that most people would rather go to a company’s social media site to get resolutions to problems with products or services than calling or emailing them.

Get Ahead of Your Competition

Your competition may already be on social media. Refusing to have a social media presence only gives your competition customers that could easily be yours. Why would you voluntarily do that?

And if your competition isn’t on social media, you being there can gain your brand customers that might otherwise know about you. Being present on social media gets your brand lots of eyeballs and the more they see you, the more likely they are to buy from you.

Reach New Clients

Social media is a funny thing. It allows you to reach people that you wouldn’t otherwise have access to. When you post content on your social media pages, people tend to digest it and if it is in alignment with their wants and needs, they will comment, like, and share with everyone they know. Doing this allows your brand to reach people who didn’t even know they needed your products or services and leads them right to you.

I could make this list of reasons to promote on social media go on forever but I think I’ve made my point. If you and your brand do not have a social media presence, today is the day to start. It only takes a few minutes and it’s free. Now no more excuses! Get to it and watch your customer list grow daily.

Get a FREE copy of my book, Making Your Business a Social Media Superstar, by CLICKING HERE!


Why You Should Claim Your @UserName On Facebook

If you’re like most people then you will know the importance of creating a solid brand for yourself or your business on social media. This usually consists of creating profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn among others.

However, I want to bring your attention to something so small on Facebook that many people totally overlook it or misunderstand what it’s used for – and that’s the little @ symbol that sits innocently enough on the left-hand side of your page under your profile pic and page name.

Now if you don’t see one on your page or you see @username, we need to talk. This little oversight can cost you a lot when it comes to your customers, clients, or next job finding you not to mention the fact that you’re making it hard for your ideal followers to find and engage with you and your business.

This little @ symbol combined with your name is what Facebook calls your “User Name”. This user name makes it easy for anyone looking for you to find you. They only have to search your @username to find you on Facebook.

It also makes it easier for other businesses and people to tag you in their posts. Why would you want them to do that? Well, if you’re interested in spreading the word about your business or brand then you absolutely must create your user name.

Notice how @veronicabuhlauthor is right under my profile pic and page name.

As a social media manager and writer, I frequently tag businesses and people in my Facebook posts in order to draw more people to their Facebook pages and websites as well as my own.

You see, tagging someone in your Facebook posts not only exposes that person or brand to your audience but it also exposes your business or brand to their audience. This creates an outstanding atmosphere for organic growth of your content and your brand. In other words, FREE ADVERTISING!

Now some of you might be saying, “Why would I freely give my audience to someone else’s brand?” First of all, you’re not giving another brand your audience. You’re exposing your audience to a brand that you appreciate and at the same time giving your brand the opportunity to be seen to another audience that you don’t ordinarily have access to. It’s a win-win situation.

So, now that you understand the importance of claiming your @username on Facebook, I want to you go to your Facebook page and make sure that you already have one. If not, let me show you how to get one right now.

Once you sign into Facebook and go to your business or brand page, go to ‘About’ on the left-hand side of the page about half way down the page under your profile pic and page name. Click on ‘About’.

This will take you to your ‘About’ page where you can change or add the details of your business or brand.

Your can create or change your @username as seen above.

You will see a place under the heading ‘GENERAL’ where it says “Username”. If you already have a user name that you like then you don’t have to do anything further. If you don’t have a user name or you don’t like the user name you do have, then click on ‘Edit’ next to the user name and change it to a user name that is appropriate for your brand.

Note that you really don’t want to be clever when making this name unless it is relevant to your brand and your ideal customers will know that it refers to your business. The key is to make it easy for people to find you on Facebook. This isn’t an Easter egg hunt. You don’t want it to be impossible to find you.

Also, on occasion the name that you want as your user name is already taken. Don’t panic! Just make a little adjustment to the name until you find an appropriate user name that isn’t being used. I had this problem with my user name for the above page because apparently my name isn’t as rare as I thought it was. So, after a few variations on my name with no luck, I decided to add ‘author’ to my user name. No muss, no fuss. Now it’s easy to tell people how to find my page on Facebook.

If you don’t choose a user name on Facebook, Facebook will generously assign one to you that looks something like this: https://www.facebook.com/your-page-name-2002529566527340/. Not so appealing or easy to tell someone how to find you, is it? It also makes it very difficult for people to tag you and your business in their posts and other content.

So, your assignment for today is to go check out your Facebook Page and make sure you have a simple, appropriate @username for your brand or business. If not, take a few seconds to create one. You won’t regret it and your future followers, clients, and customers will thank you for it.


Without A Website, Your Business Is Missing Out! BIG TIME!

If your business doesn’t have a website yet you’re missing out on one of the easiest low-cost, dependable ways to find new clients and customers. And it may be time to for you to get one.

Some of you early adapters might be thinking, “Who doesn’t have a website these days?” but you might be floored to find out that according to a survey by research firm Clutch 46% of small businesses in the United States do not have a website! Can you believe that? That means that almost 1 out of every 2 businesses are not using the internet to promote and improve their business.

Crazy, right? So, I ask you. Do you have a website yet? If not, why not? Here are some of the reasons I hear regularly from people about why they don’t have a website for themselves, their business, or their non-profit.

Reason #1: It’s Too Expensive

Fair enough. I can certainly understand the concern to keep finances at a minimum or the way life can drain your budget leaving no extra for business enhancements.

However, it is amazingly easy to set up a website for free or with minimal cost. You can set up a totally free website with sites like WordPress.com, Wix.com, Weebly.com, or any number of other platforms. Just do a search for ‘Free websites’ and you will get a huge list of websites where this can be done in minutes.

Now with these free websites, you won’t get the ability to have a custom URL or website address like www.yourwebsite.com. You will be given a URL that most likely will look like www.yourwebsite.wordpress.com and there’s nothing wrong with that. When faced with the choice of no website at all or one with a free URL like this, take the free URL. You can always upgrade later when finances get better for you.

Now if you do want your own custom URL the cost is amazingly affordable and most of these free website platforms give you the option to buy a domain name for under $20 a year and have the free URL redirected to your custom domain name. It’s incredibly easy to do and affordable for most people.

Reason #2: I Don’t Know How To Build A Website/I Am Not Tech Savvy

Have no fear! Every one of these free website platforms are incredibly easy to get up and running with your new website. Most will walk you through the process and many have video tutorials and articles that will walk you through every step of the way. Sites like WordPress.com have email and online chats that can help you out as well.

Also, most of these sites have premade website themes that you choose from and then drag and drop your content into, making it extremely easy to have your basic website up and running in a few hours at most. If this still feels daunting to you, find someone who can work with you to create your website so you don’t have to go it alone.

If you decide that you want a more expensive, more complicated website built there is no end to the number of freelancers and companies that provide website design services. Just make sure you shop around to find one that will give you an estimate of the costs and a timeline to completion before they begin the work for you.

Reason #3: My Business Is Not Big Enough To Have A Website

Well, I hate to tell you this but the cold, hard truth is that your business will never be big enough if you continue to run it without a website. From a personal point of view, I have been known not to visit a business if I can’t find their website. I know it might sound like I am being a jerk but to me, if a business doesn’t have a website, I wonder how juiced they really are about their products or services. It’s a really bad business decision not to have at least a simple website with the most basic information for the prospective customer to review.

By not having a website you are literally turning customers or clients away and throwing money out the door. If people don’t know about you or your business, they won’t buy from you and that, my friend, is how business failure is born.

So, now that I’ve addressed the top three objections when it comes to building a website, let’s go over the basics that every website MUST have.

Basic #1: 1-4 Pages

If you are just looking to place you or your businesses flag in the online ground, your website only need between 1-4 pages depending on the industry you’re in.

At the least your website should have an About page, a Contact Us page, a Products or Services page, and possibly a Blog page.

Basic #2: About Page

The About page should be exactly that – a page that gives the potential client or customer to your site information about who you are and what you do. It should include vital information like the business name, physical address and map (if you’re a brick and mortar kind of business), telephone number, email address and business hours (if applicable).

Basic #3: Contact Us Page

The Contact Us page should contain a contact form that visitors to your site can use to contact you via email. The form should ask them for their name, email address, phone number, website (if applicable), and reason for contacting you. This contact form should send these messages right to your business email address so that you can respond to them ASAP.

Basic #4: Products or Services Page

The Products or Services page should outline at least your basic or most popular services telling them what they are with a brief description. If you are an online business, it should allow them to order from the site with an online order form or directions on how to order from you.

Basic #5: Blog Page

And last but not least is the Blog page. Not every business needs a blog but I feel that every business could definitely benefit from one. Blogs help to create a consistent stream of contact with your current and future clients or customers and provides a way for you to share with them your businesses, services, and behind the scenes information and events. It helps to create a community behind your brand and is a way for your business to reach people you might not otherwise be able to.

It is my hope that with all this information in your head, you will have decided that 2020 is indeed the year that you finally give yourself or your business the gift of its very own website. There is no reason for any business to be without one in this day and age. Not having a website for yourself or your business is hurting you and your finances. Once you have a website (even a simple one) in place, you can begin your voyage towards building a following and attracting new customers or clients. So, what are you waiting for? Get to it!

Do you have a website yet? If not, why not? Tell me what is keeping you from taking this step towards entering the online business world in the comments below. I would also love to hear about your victories after finally creating a website in the comments below.